Sciatica Pain
If you’re someone experiencing sciatica pain, you know what it’s like to want the best leg and back pain relief Edina, MN can provide. Thankfully, here at Advantage Health Group, we can help you start feeling better and living your normal life. Working with our team of specialists can help you to remedy the pain you’re experiencing.
On this page are a few videos you can engage with to help with the pain. If you’re noticing the pain increase, be sure to call our specialists before continuing further with the videos. It’s important that you don’t push yourself too far and create further damage to the nerve, so ensure that your doctor has cleared it with you before doing any exercises.
If you haven’t already, be sure to contact a specialist at our office to help you along with this process. Dealing with pain is never a fun experience, but we’re here to help make sure you remedy the pain in the healthiest way possible. Call us today!
Sciatica and Back Pain Relief in Edina, MN
If you have pain or limited range of motion with this test we can help! Our office specializes in finding and fixing the root cause of your sciatica so you can find the permanent relief you’re looking for and get back to the life you love!