What really causes Sciatica?

The term "Sciatica" describes pain from the low back or glute that travels down the back of the leg to the back of the knee or even into the foot.

It's important to realize that sciatica is just a symptom and not a diagnosis, and in order to treat it properly we need to identify the cause. There are two major causes of sciatic symptoms that we see in practice.

1.Sciatic Nerve Entrapment

Often times the sciatic nerve become entrapped or stuck at a muscle in the back of the hip. This is great news for our patients because with expert treatment this problem can easily be fixed. 

2.Disc Hernation / Protrusion

When disc injuries are bad enough to put pressure on nerves they can refer pain down the back of the leg. These injuries can be healed with conservative care but it can be a longer process. In order for the disc injury to heal all the adhesion around the nerves, muscles, and ligaments around the low back and hip must be removed. Then we have to strengthen the muscles around the low back to protect the disc as it is healing. Posture and day-to-day activities are crucial for the healing processes. In order for the low back to heal, patients should find movements / activities they can do that don't increase pain and do them often. 

Whether you have a disc herniation or sciatic nerve entrapment it is important to get expert care to restore the health and range of motion of your nerves and muscles. 


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