Muscle Spasm Are Not The Problem!

You wake up in the morning and your low back is very tight making it difficult to move. You try getting up to move around hoping it will calm down. That just seems to make it more painful. You try some light stretching and it feels good so you start pushing it more and the spasm gets worse. What do you do? 

Why is this happening?!

The Most Common Reason For Low Back Muscle Spasms

Tightness and pain in the morning, as described above, is a very common occurrence. It is estimated that 80% of Americans will have back pain at some point in their life. 

Muscle spasms are involuntary contractions of the muscle causing intense tightening in an area. While the pain and discomfort from muscle spasms are not to be taken lightly—it's important to understand that muscle spasms themselves are not the actual problem. 

Muscle spasms are produced by your body as a protective mechanism. They are present to prevent you from performing specific movements that will load a damaged area.

The most common reason for low back (or neck) muscle spasms is a disc injury. Artificially removing the spasm (through things like muscle relaxers) can actually be dangerous and lead to further injury. When you are diagnosed with muscle spasms or acute tight muscles, listen to your body and rest the area. Fighting the symptoms will only make the underlying problem worse.

Treat the source of the problem NOT the symptoms

Spending time working on the symptom without treating the underlying cause is a waste of time & money and is also dangerous.

This is like cleaning the water mess on the kitchen floor and NOT fixing the broken pipe underneath the sink.

Finding a doctor who works diligently to find the root cause of your pain is CRITICAL.

This is a standard practice for all the doctors at Advantage Health Group. We are experts at finding and fixing back pain permanently. At AHG we will investigate the cause of the muscle spasm and work to fix it. We accurately diagnose the reason for the spasm and come up with the best game plan to get you in better health.

Call our office directly at 952-207-2186 to get to the source of the problem and permanently break free from pain! 


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